December 28, 2012

Book Announcement :P

Yes, I do realize that this page is somewhat lacking in the fanfare that I should have, but I'm not really sure how else I'm supposed to attract reviewers and bloggers willing to host guest post spots for my new book, Panoptemitry that I can link to on my official release page.

This would be the longest piece I've ever written at just under 62,000 words. If you like bizarre sci-fi spacey fantasy, this might just interest you. If you review books and think you might like to review this, drop me a line and we'll see about getting you a copy. (You don't need a fancy review page, Amazon lets anyone review.)

I wrote this book because the great people at offered to pay for me to get an MSS-editing report from Cornerstones Literary Consultancy for my first draft. (I'd be happy to get your review on their page too :) they just require that you actually buy the book from them first)

If you're still undecided the first 2.5 chapters are free wherever it's sold and on its Goodreads page.

I'm pretty sure you can get to it all from the official release page, but if you've any questions, just leave a note here or contact me through one of my social networks.
My work here is done~
-Sarah Baethge

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